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21 February 2010

Wanna Buy a Dress?

i would like to burn my wedding dress & buy one of these: (champagne) or (marine)

The wedding dress has been re-listed on @ebay. Help a girl spread the word & please RT:

Yes, I relisted it. After talking to Jessie this morning and doing my weekly online dress searches, I reposted the wedding dress on ebay. It is still posted on BravoBride, RecycledBride, and a few other wedding classified sites. I just wish it would go away already.

I re-wrote the page that I link to in the ebay ad to be more of a sales pitch instead of "omg I love this dress and cannot picture myself in anything but it on my wedding day." BLAH.

So here's hoping! Please spread the word. Surely someone out there wants to purchase this gorgeous dress, right??