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25 May 2010

April 27 TMW Post

Disclaimer: For all y'all not following my wedding planning antics over on TweetMyWedding Tuesdays, I'll try to remember to post them all here.  Unfortunately I've been seriously lagging at that and so there's going to be in flux... apologies!

Tweet: the more i think about it, the more likely our reception/ 40th bday bash will be mid-January. perfect weather, 3mo post-vegas, etc. bueno!

I am almost 100% certain that our delayed reception will be held during Presidents weekend 2011. Not only is it a long weekend, but that Friday is Steve's birthday! Perfection, no? He's not thrilled about my advertising his age, unless I use the old saying, so here goes... "Lawdy lawdy, look who's 40!"

We will have the big bash, but in an oh so casual way. I am picturing Japanese lanterns, lots of candles, orchids, bromeliads, and twinkling lights strung all over my parents back yard. Mid-January is beautiful and breezy down here due to it being their few weeks of "winter" where the temps get into the 50s. I cannot even begin to put into words my excitement over planning a real party!

Tweet: spring in Homestead is absolutely gorgeous. sleeping w/windows open & it's in the 60s outside. yes, #miamimove was a good decision :)

Tweet: researching fees to become a FL resident. 1 good thing is no tax on Luna since she's only 3mo old. too bad other fees are ridiculously high.

Tweet: 1st real outing & I ran into an old friend & former co-worker... Yay!

Because planning the wedding and changing my name in 5.5 months isn't enough of a hassle, Steve and I are currently trying to figure out how to become legal Florida residents. Since I left 4 years ago, the laws have increased dramatically to get a driver's license. We are technically living with my parents and don't have a lease, therefore, no legal "we live here" paperwork to show the DMV. The good news is that in my research, I discovered that bringing in a new car used for less than 6 months means I don't have to pay additional taxes on my new Luna. That's at least one thing I don't have to worry about. Moving to a new state is a hassle, but at least we have no more state taxes! And also plenty of time between the move and the wedding; namely, 166 days!

Also, because I grew up here and did all my schooling in Miami with the exception of college, I have a ton and a half of friends that I left behind when I moved. I anticipate seeing a lot of old friends in my days out and about. I'm certainly hoping for that at least.