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26 September 2009

Water Bottle Favors

Contender #1 for Vegas wedding favors:

In this blue with the logo in the post below imprinted in matte silver. They're from Discount Mugs, which has gotten lots of good reviews.

They're 20 ounces and I can wrap the graphic around the whole bottle for the same set-up cost as just one side. The logo as is, is about 4" wide and 3" tall. And, the best part, it would be about $140 for 25 of them. Oddly, for 20 it was more... darn price breaks!

If you were a wedding guest, would you like one of these? Now imagine you were a wedding guest in the desert, you'd totally want one, right? I know I would. :-)

(if you get this tice in your RSS feeds, it's cuz i was testing out posting to my LJ automatically... sorry!)

image source


This is me said...

I would like one of those. But I won't be a guest at the Vegas wedding. I ordered my pint glasses from Discount mugs for my wedding. They do nice work.

Chanele said...

I am not crazy about Iowa, but the bottle is cute. Hee!